Sunday, April 3, 2011


It seems weird to talk on a public blog about other people, but I want to mention a few great folks. First, in Glasgow I met the full complement of Design is Central (Spot Specific) people. Plus, it was great to see D again. Jane and Al are vastly knowledgeable and interesting, as well as incredibly patient with all my odd questions about Scottish language and history. They can drink me under the table any day.
Leaving Scotland tomorrow will also mean leaving Lew and his girlfriend Marta. We've had a wonderful time talking, eating, walking, shopping, and touring. We visited Mary King's Close, a walk through the now underground tenements of earlier centuries. While the tour was spiced with gory tales, the experience of walking through the closes was really interesting.
So, I loved this visit to Scotland for the people, even as I saw fascinating bits of art and history.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Edinburgh Botanical Gardens

Art in Glasgow

There's a lovely collection out on the southern edge of Glasgow in a huge park. The museum's design compliments both the medieval arches and the natural setting. I hope to return to really take it all in some time.