Friday, March 25, 2011

Living Portraits, but No Tenors

The Baths of Caracalla are huge -- I know I keep saying that about Roman structures. Yet they surprise me by their vastness. Back on my first visit to Rome in 1969, my tour included a performance of Aida at the Baths of Caracalla, and, of course, I've seen the three tenors strut their stuff on TV. Well, no sign of elephants or tenors today; I'm posting a pic of the area that I think was used as a stage, but I'm not positive.
On another note, now that I've seen many portrait busts and paintings, I imagine the faces of people on the street as if they were sculpted or in Renaissance guise. (Perhaps the many "gladiators" wandering around the Colosseum and offering to pose for pics adds to this.) I love sitting in an outdoor cafe on a piazza full of kids and adults. It's voyeurism and it's my kind of life. Here are two girls I'm sure I've seen in the flesh.

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