Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 13 - A Cessna 6-passenger is a small plane

We flew from Gustavos (Glacier Bay National Park) to Juneau in a teeny tiny plane. It was cool to travel 1500 feet above the bays, straits, and islands. From Juneau we caught the ferry to Skagway. I've been reading Klondike Fever by Pierre Breton; surprisingly, the town is pretty historically accurate to the heady goldrush days. The big rush nowadays is cruise ships.

By the way, Sidney Carton sacrificed himself back in British Columbia and since then I've read (to myself) The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. Don't bother. We found a bookstore in Juneau with a history of the King James Bible which I'm eager to read after I finish the Klondike book and read at least the first 200 pages of Little Dorrit. (Maynard wants to listen to that novel next; he's read the beginning recently, but I haven't read it since college.)

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