Friday, June 25, 2010

Note in the AM of Day 16

We're off to Denali National Park this morning! Three nights of camping and two shuttle bus trips into the interior (you can't drive far into the park).

We've probably used up all our good weather points; the forecast is for rain today, less rain tomorrow, and clouds the next day. So, we have little chance to seeing much of Mt. McKinley, but we have great chances of seeing cool scenes and animals and testing our DEET (rumor has it that mosquitoes are the Alaska state bird).

I'm not sure when we'll be near an internet connection again; probably, we'll have one on the night of Monday, June 28th.

The receptionist at this motel glanced at my copy of Little Dorritt yesterday; she says it's good, but Our Mutual Friend is her favorite. Her brother votes for Hard Times. Now I need to read Our Mutual Friend! Just love those out of blue literary conversations.

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