Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 23 - second Tok before we cross the Canadian line

Today we retraced our steps to Anchorage, then set out east towards Glenallen. Along the way the sky cleared and we could see the backs of the tallest mountains of the Chugach Range, including Mount Fairweather. These are the mountains which we saw earlier from the boat in Glacier Bay. They were very distant from us then, and were easily 100 miles from us today. I think Fairweather tops 15,000 feet. (I never have the facts on hand when I write these notes to you!) Also, I saw a porcupine this afternoon! He was waddling off the side of the road. This was special -- we haven't even paused for the last five moose, after all. We've been lucky with animals, birds (we saw several more swans today), and plants, especially wild flowers. I've nearly finished Klondike Fever; this is good because tomorrow we cross back into Canada and head for Dawson City.

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