Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 32 - Duluth, MN to Marquette, MI

I was surprised by Duluth, as we came over the hill above the city; a full oreboat was crossing towards Wisconsin on Lake Superior, and the city looked clean and vibrant. We drove down to the 1880s Depot, passing warehouses and manufacturing areas that are now funky businesses. (I wish the same could be done to Holyoke!). The Depot houses four museums, one of which is a transportation (mainly train) museum. Besides the lovely old engines, Maynard focused on box cars, his current fascination. He had great examples of their architectural styles, forms of trucks and couplers, and even handles. Besides enjoying the trains, I checked out the logging museum and a special exhibit on the immigrant experience. I never made it to the art museum; we needed to head out. We drove across Wisconsin, then started through the upper peninsula of Michigan. We're spending the night in Ishpeming. There's a (closed) mine here that has great late Victorian architecture. We'll try to get some pics in the am.

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