Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 26 -Whitehorse to Muncho Lake

I bet Maynard this morning that we wouldn't see any interesting wildlife today. (It took awhile to negotiate what constituted wildlife. No ground squirrels or crows.) Then, after lunch, in 20 miles we saw 4 brown bears, 1 grizzly, and 2 bison. I stopped counting after we saw more bears, a herd of bison, and clusters of stone sheep (they look like goats). Both the sheep and bison had new babies to show off. The moment I worry about, though, is when the bicycler we saw headed up a mountain over which we had just seen the grizzly actually met the bear. Meals on wheels.
The landscape is changing; partly it's because not all of the western Yukon/BC area was glaciated. It was steppes in the days of Beringia (before the continents separated). Also, there are more people -- albeit RVers headed west. At the end of the day, we were visited by a grey jay who wished to taste our dinner. Things remain exotic, yet we know we're headed east.

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