Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 11 - Dawn

We hadn't planned to watch the sunrise over the canyon, but we woke early, so we drove to an eastern pulloff and watched the strobelight of sun light up bits of the canyon, slowly. We'd seen many turkey vultures previously; today we saw flocks on the move. (A good story: a guide said that the best place to see condor's is at busy Canyon Village in early afternoon. After all, these birds are looking for masses of fat mammals all tending precariously close to a cliff edge.)
Driving out of the canyon and west, we've left AZ for CA. The coolant light was/is flashing, but we faced the Mojave Desert successfully. (Hope to get the oil changed in Sacramento, AND hope the light only means a broken sensor.) Maynard took me to the cool photo stops of Tehachapi Loop this afternoon. The color of the golden hills dotted with live oaks is lovely, as is their undulating form. Maynard likes the train part = tracks that wind around hills or through tunnels or in twists. The engines almost loop back on the cars.

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