Monday, September 27, 2010

Gotta Transmission?

Maynard thinks the Eurovan prefers flying over driving. It's up on a lift at the moment. And it's new transmission is being shipped in from Germany. The difficulty with the process isn't the time on the airplane; it's US Customs. So, this rather essential part may arrive in four days or ten. (If it takes ten, I'll fly home in order to be in time for an appointment with Penelope.)
So, it's just as well that we hauled all the way to Sacramento yesterday. After consigning the Eurovan to its new lodging at the Niell VW service department, we rented a small car and headed for Lake Tahoe. The drive from the north to south ends of the lake is stunning; the drives to and from Sacramento (especially returning to the city on route 50) gave Maynard lots of tight turns.
We're open about our adventure tomorrow; the day after (Wednesday) is the start of the SP Convention here in Sacramento. I'll tell you tomorrow what we ended up doing.

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