Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 7 - Cliff houses, petroglyphs, petrified, & a horse

Well, I don't have a pic of the horse. He was standing at beside a pump at a gas station in Chinle, AZ. He liked the shade.
Navajohs live in Canyon de Chelly growing crops such as peaches. The canyon base has trees and farms. Along the interior cliff sides are houses from the Basketweavers/early Puebloan Indians. Another great site is the Petrified Forest, a very different Badlands from those further north, like the Theodore Roosevelt National Monument. Besides strange formations, there are many petrified trees; the pic shows several which are just appearing from the rock edge. Within the ruins of a pueblo at the park there are pictographs. Tonight we ate an amazing southwestern meal at an old Harvey Hotel, La Posada in Winslow, AZ. (Yep, and there's a mural of "standing at the corner of Winslow, AZ, too.)

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