Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2 - Turning a lemon into a G&T (or nearly)

That drip turned out to be a broken water pump.

Fortunately, friendly people at a Starbuck's included a lady whose drives a VW beetle & whose husband owns a GMC/Buick dealership down the street. While they sent out for a new pump, they lent us an aged LeSabre. Also, a mechanic told us about good train-sighting places along the Sand Patch grade. Grabbed a rope to climb to a bench above the rails where this pic was taken; met the installer of said rope & bench who toodles around in a parachute plane. Lunched in an 18th c tavern which is now run by a Russian Orthodox priest & wife.

Finally hit the road at 3 PM, car repaired. Only made it to Columbus tonight. Needed a drink after all that!

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